Work From Home

Work From Home
Moms Helping Moms Work From Home

Friday, May 20, 2011

6 Tips for Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Business

Are you looking for ways to expand your business?  There are so many avenues to explore today with social media.  One avenue that I personally have overlooked the value of is LinkedIn.
Linkedin is a great place to market and network your business.  Here are 6 tips for using LinkedIn to promote your business:
1.  Set up your profile and make sure it is complete.  The more detailed your profile, the more likely you will be found and contacted.  Be sure to include a photo of yourself.
2.  Once your profile is complete, be sure to make it public.  If you have a website or blog to promote, be sure to include it on the Links section of your profile.
3.  Join groups.  You can join up to 50 LinkedIn groups.  Connect with other members and build your network.
4.  Create a group.  Center discussions around what you have to offer people and the company you work for.
5.  Use the Q & A function of LinkedIn. Try using the advanced answers search to find questions specific to your company’s expertise.  However, don’t pitch your company’s products or services; just answer the question.
6.  Get recommendations.  The best way to get recommendations is to give them, so take some time to write recommendations for your contacts and they will most likely reciprocate.

Once you've devoted some time and attention to LinkedIn, you're likely to see results!

Please feel free to share your comments/thoughts as to how LinkedIn or this article has helped you and your business.